MGAT Token

The MoTA Global Associate Token (MGAT).

MoTA has three token types on the blockchain. These tokens enable MoTA to function and run smoothly. The tokens perform unique functions in the MoTA ecosystem depending on the type.

The MoTA Global Associate Token (MGAT) is a partnership or associate token designed to represent contributors’ stake in the project. These tokens are allocated to represent the holder’s stake in the project. Holders of this token receive a percentage of revenue from the MoTA project at established intervals. Holders of this token are the MoTA Global Associates (MGA).


Holders of MGAT are part of the governance system of MoTA. Each holder of MGAT holds one vote equal to the vote of an MT.

Holders of MGAT take a share of MoTA revenue for as long as they hold the MGAT. 70% of MH revenue that comes to MoTA Global Network (MN) is distributed to MGAs.


Each MoTA token is designed to perform a specific function. They are however blockchain tokens and therefore have all the benefits and risks associated with blockchain tokens. MoTA Global will not be held liable for any misapplication of tokens by a holder. Tokens must be held in secure and compatible blockchain wallets.

MGATs are Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens issued on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Blockchain.

Token ID: 3cf9c9394f5790d7796baa813634fecb643096da3a3fb7d88d705568c095e88b

MGAT can be stored in any SLP aware wallet such as wallet

Note: Please check token ID when interacting with tokens as tokens can imitated.

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